Kastaş will deliver the opening speech at the International Elastomer Conference 2023

The International Elastomer Conference is an organization which gathering where contacts are made, information is exchanged, and new goods, technologies, and concepts are unveiled.

Kastas Sealing Technologies Technology Director Ozan Devlen will speak on PFAS Proposed Regulations at the International Elastomer Conference 2023 where over 3000 attendees and more than 200 exhibiting companies are present every year.
Ozan Devlen, will be spotlighted during his presentation titled "PFAS Proposed Restrictions and the European Sealing Association," which is slated for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, between 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM EST at the Expo Theater, Cleveland, USA.
The talk promises to shed light on the European Sealing Association and Kastas's viewpoint on the forthcoming PFAS regulations. It aims to unravel the intricacies of these propositions and discuss their potential ramifications for the manufacturers, vendors, and users in the elastomer and sealing technology domain.
Visit the IEC2023 Speaker Profile to learn more about the specifics of the session. 

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